Psychiatry and Narcology=Психіатрія та наркологія: Підручник для студ. мед. ЗВО, лікарів-інтернів. Затверджено вченою радою ХНМУ — К., 2021. — 352 с., тв. пал.
ISBN: 978-617-505-868-8
Автор: Г.М. Кожина, Т.С. Міщенко, Н.О. Марута та ін.
Рік: 2021
Мова: англійська
Сторінок: 352
Обкладинка: тверда
Ціна: 781 грн.

Опис книги 

The textbook stresses the importance of studying psychiatry in accordance with the medical education programme. The textbook was prepared in line with the training and qualification characteristics and the training and professional specialist training programme approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 239 as of 16.04.2020.
The material covers the basics of national legislation in the field of psychiatry and the principles of organizing psychiatric and medical-psychological assistance to persons with various types of mental and behavioural disorders.
For students of higher medical education institutions of Ukraine, masters, and internship doctors.

Зміст книги 


Chapter 1. The Subject and Tasks of Psychiatry and Narcology. Organization of Psychiatric Aid. Methods of Mental Disease Examination. Mental Disease Classification. Mental Disease Register

1.1. The Main Sections of Modern Psychiatry.

1.2. History of Development

1.3. Organization of Psychiatric Aid

1.4. The Law on Psychiatric Care

Chapter 2. Methods of Examination for Mental Patients

Chapter 3. Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders

Chapter 4. Sensation and Perception Disorders

Chapter 5. Disturbances of Thinking and Intellect

5.1. Classification of Disturbances of Thinking

5.2. Speech Disturbances

5.3. Speech Disturbances Mostly Caused by Organic Lesions of The Brain

5.4. Disturbances of Intellect

5.5. Peculiarities of Disturbances of Thinking in Children

Chapter 6. Disturbances of Memory and Attention

6.1. Classification of Disturbances of Memory

6.2. Disturbances in The Sensation of Familiarity

6.3. Disturbances of Attention

Chapter 7. Disturbances of Emotions

7.1. Classification of Disorders in Emotions and Feelings

7.2. Varieties of Morbid Fears (Phobiae)

7.3. Methods of Emotion Research

Chapter 8. Disturbances in the Effector-Volitional Sphere

8.1. Classification of Effector-Volitional Disturbances

Chapter 9. Disorders of Consciousness

9.1. Classification of Disorders of Consciousness

Chapter 10. Psychopathological Syndromes

10.1. Classification of Psychopathological Syndromes

Chapter 11. Mental Disorders in Infectious and Somatic Diseases, Tumours and Brain Injuries

11.1. Mental Disorders in Vascular Diseases
11.2. Mental Disorders in Infectious Diseases
11.3. Mental Disorders in Brain Injuries
11.4. Mental Disorders in Aids

Chapter 12. Epilepsy

Chapter 13. Mental and Behavioural Disorders Due to Alcohol Abuse. Mental and Behavioural Disorders Caused by Narcotics and Substances that are not on the State List of Abused Drugs. Non-Chemical Addictions

13.1. Mental and Behavioural Disorders Caused by Alcohol Abuse
13.2. Mental and Behavioural Disorders Caused by Narcotics Abuse
13.3. Toxicomaniae

Chapter 14. Behavioural Disorders Associated with Impaired Food Intake and Sleep

14.1. The Aetiology and Pathogenesis of Anorexia Nervosa
14.2. Bulimia Nervosa
14.3. Sleep Disorders of Inorganic Nature
14.4. Sleep Disorders

Chapter 15. Behavioural Syndromes Associated with Sexual Dysfunction. Psychosexual Disorders

15.1. Gender Identity Disorders

Chapter 16. Mental Retardation, its Clinical Manifestations, Therapeutic and Corrective Actions
Chapter 17. Dementia (in Neurodegenerative Diseases)

17.1. Alzheimer’s Disease
17.2. Pick’s Disease
17.3. Other Types of Dementia

Chapter 18. Neurotic Disorders, their Clinical Forms, Treatment and Rehabilitation. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, its Treatment and Rehabilitation

18.1. Psychogenic Diseases
18.2. Acute Reaction to Stress (Neurotic Reactions)

18.3. Neuroses

18.4. Neuroses in Children

18.5. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Chapter 19. Schizophrenia, its Clinical Forms and Treatment. Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorders. The First Episode of Psychoses

19.1. Schizophrenia

19.2. Primary Polymorphic Psychotic Episode

Chapter 20. Affective Disorders, their Clinical Manifestations, Types, and Treatment

20.1. Affective Disorders

Chapter 21. Infantile Autism, its Clinical Manifestations, Treatment, and Rehabilitation of Patients

21.1. Infantile Autism

Chapter 22. Hyperkinetic Disorder in Children and Teens. Treatment and Rehabilitation of Patients with Social Behaviour Disorders. Medical and Psychological Correction

Chapter 23. Personality Disorders. Clinical Form. Rehabilitation Activities

Chapter 24. Treatment of Mental Diseases. Psychoeducation and Rehabilitation of Mental Patients
