Forensic Medicine=Судова медицина: Підручник для студ. мед. ЗВО, лікарів-інтернів. — 3-тє вид., стер. Затверджено МОН, Рекомендовано вченою радою НМУ ім. О.О. Богомольця.
ISBN: 978-617-505-899-2
Автор: Б.В. Михайличенко, А.М. Біляков, І.Г. Савка; за редакцією Б.В. Михайличенка
Рік: 2022
Мова: англійська
Сторінок: 224
Обкладинка: тверда
Ціна: 517 грн.

The textbook briefly highlights both the history of forensic medicine and organization and arbitration principles of forensic medical examination. Forensic and medical thanatology issues as well as diagnostics of various environmental injuries and health conditions are scrutinized in view of current scientific advancements.
The data on lager radiation injuries and information on biological factor influence on the human body are introduced.
Peculiarities of examining the injured and accused parties and other persons are described according to the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
Current possibilities of forensic medical examination of material evidence are considered.
Legal aspects of health care provision and legal responsibilities of physicians as health care providers for malpractice are provided according to the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
All the chapters end with a list of questions for self-control.
For students of higher medical educational establishments, as well as for internship doctors and beginners at forensic medical expert examination.

Зміст книги 

Chapter 1. Forensic Medicine as a Science. History of Forensic Medicine Development

1.1. Definition, Contents, Tasks and Role of Forensic Medicine

1.2. Historic Overview of Forensic Medicine Development

Chapter 2. Procedural and Organizational Basics of Forensic Medical Examination

2.1. General Information about Forensic Medical Examination

2.2. Participation of a Forensic Medical Expert in Examination

2.3. Structure of Forensic Medical Service

2.4. Forensic Medical Documentation

Chapter 3. Forensic Medical Inspection of a Scene of Incident and Corpse

3.1. The Site of an Incident and its Inspection: General Notions

3.2. Detection, Fixation, Taking Blood Traces During Inspection of a Scene of an Incident

3.3. Taking Other Biological Objects

3.4. Documents Prepared During On-site Inspection of an Incident

Chapter 4. Forensic Medical Thanatology

4.1. General Information about Dying and Death

4.2. Forensic Medical Classification of Death

4.3. Forensic Medical Aspects of Organ and Tissue Transplantation

4.4. Forensic Medical Diagnosis of Death

4.5. Determination of the Time of Death

Chapter 5. Forensic Medical Examination of a Corpse

5.1. Forensic Medical Examination of a Corpse: General Information

5.2 The Order to Conduct Forensic Medical Examination of a Corpse

5.3. External Examination

5.4. Internal Examination

5.5. Peculiarities of Examination of an Unknown Person

5.6. Taking of the Material for Laboratory Examination

5.7. Official Registration of the Results of Forensic Medical Examination of a Corpse

Chapter 6. Forensic Medical Examination in Case of Sudden Death

6.1. General Information about Sudden Death

6.2. Forensic Medical Examination in Case of Different Types of Sudden Death

6.3. Sudden Death in Childhood

6.4. Sudden Death under Peculiar Circumstances

Chapter 7. Forensic Medical Examination of Newborn Corpses

7.1. Peculiar Features of Forensic Medical Examination of Newborn Corpses

7.2. Determination of Neonatality

7.3. Determination of Full-Term and Mature Newborn

7.4. Determination of Newborn Viability

7.5. Determination of Live-Born Fetus

7.6. Causes of Death of Newborns

Chapter 8. Forensic Medical Traumatology

8.1. Injury Classification and Peculiarities

8.2. Blunt Object Injuries

8.3. Traumatism and its Types

8.4. Transportation Traumatism

8.5. Sharp Object Traumas

8.6. Clothes Damage in case of Obtuse and Sharp Object Traumas

Chapter 9. Forensic Medical Expertise of Gunshot Injuries

9.1. Firearms and the Mechanism of Shot: General Notion

9.2. Bullet Entrance Wound due to the Shot from a Distant Range

9.3. Bullet Entrance Wound due to the Shot from a Close Range

9.4. Bullet Entrance Wound due to Contact Range of Shot

9.5. Bullet Exit Wound

9.6. Firearm Wound Canal

9.7. Firearm Wounds from Hunting Arms

9.8. Shot Injuries

9.9. Firearm Damages of the Clothes

9.10. Suicide Signs with the Use of Firearms

9.11. Injuries after Blank Cartridges

9.12. Injuries after Pneumatic Arms

9.13. Peculiarities of Injuries Caused by Devices for Shooting Cartridges Supplied with Rubber or Analogical by Their Properties Missiles of a Survivable Exposure

9.14. Explosive Injury

9.15. Laboratory Methods of Examination in Case of Gunshot Wounds

9.16. Causes of Death due to Mechanical Injury

9.17. Detection of the Vital Origin and Time of Injuries

Chapter 10. Injuries From Low and High Temperature Effect

10.1. The Local Effect of the High Temperature

10.2. The General Effect of the High Temperature (Overheating)

10.3. The Local Effect of the Low Temperature

10.4. The General Effect of the Low Temperature

Chapter 11. Injuries and Death from Atmospheric Pressure Changes

11.1. The General Effect of the Increased Atmospheric Pressure on the Body

11.2. The General Effect of the Decreased Atmospheric Pressure on the Body

Chapter 12. Forensic Medical Examination of Electrical Injuries

12.1. General Information on Electrical Injuries

12.2. The Characteristics of the Electric current Effect

12.3. Diagnostics of Death from the Technical Electricity Effect

12.4. Damage from the Atmospheric Electricity Effect

Chapter 13. Forensic Medical Examination of the Radiation Trauma

13.1. The General Effect of Ionizing Radiation

13.2. The Specifics of the Forensic Medical Examination

13.3. Forensic Medical Examination of the Laser Injuries

Chapter 14. Forensic Medical Examination in Case of Mechanical Asphyxia Death

14.1. General Information about Oxygen Starvation and Its Course

14.2. Forensic Medical Diagnosis of Mechanical Asphyxia

14.3. Hanging

14.4. Ligature Strangulation

14.5. Throttling

14.6. Closing of Mouth and Nostrils

14.7. Choking

14.8. Drowning

14.9. Squeezing of Chest and Abdomen

14.10. Asphyxia in a Limited (Closed) Space

Chapter 15. Forensic Medical Toxicology

15.1. Overview on Poisons and Poisoning

15.2. Forensic Medical Diagnostics of Death Caused by Poisons of Local Action

15.3. Forensic Medical Diagnostics of Death Caused by Blood Poisons

15.4. Forensic Medical Diagnostics of Death Caused by Destructive Poisons

15.5. Forensic Medical Diagnostics of Death Caused by Functional Poisons

15.6. Forensic Medical Diagnostics of Death Caused by Narcotic Substances

15.7. Food Toxins (Food Poisons)

Chapter 16. Forensic Medical Diagnosis of Health Disorders Caused by a Biological Environmental Factor

16.1. General Information on Biological Environmental Factors

16.2. Infectious Effect of Biological Factors

16.3. Prion Infection and Its Peculiar Features

16.4. Biological Effect of Antigens

16.5. Peculiarities of Forensic Medical Examination

Chapter 17. Forensic Medical Examination of Crime Victims, Accused and Other Persons

17.1. Reasons and Procedure of Examination

17.2. Forensic Medical Examination to Determine the Severity of Bodily Injuries

17.3. Forensic Medical Examination of Health State, Simulation, Aggravation, Self-inflicted Injuring

17.4. Determination of Age

Chapter 18. Forensic-Medical Expertise in Case of Disputable Sexual Conditions and Sexual Crimes

18.1. Peculiarities of Expertise Concerning Disputable Sexual Conditions

18.2. Detection of Sex

18.3. Detection of Sexual Maturity

18.4. Detection of Rupture of Hymen Integrity

18.5. Detection of Sexual Reproductive Ability

18.6. Detection of the Term of Previous Labour (Past Deliveries)

18.7. Detection of the Term of Previous Miscarriage (Abortion)

18.8. Forensic Expertise of Sexual Crimes

Chapter 19. Forensic Medical Examination of Material Evidence

19.1. Blood Examination

19.2. Examination of Hair

19.3. Examination of Semen

19.4. Examination of Human Organs, Tissues and Some Secretions

Chapter 20. Forensic Medical and Criminalistic Methods of Examination

20.1. Measurement Methods

20.2. Photographic Methods

20.3. Optical Methods

20.4. Radiological Methods

20.5. Examination in Extreme Spectrum Rays and Luminescent Examination

20.6. Determination of Object Metallization

20.7. Examination of the Mineral Composition of Objects

20.8. Identification Examination of the Instruments of Injury

20.9. Identification Examination Using Bone Remains and Skull