Knowledge and practical approaches in the field of neurology are constantly changing. As new research and experience expand understanding, there is a need to change research methods, professional practice and/or treatment. The most important modern aspects of etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnostics of the main nosological forms of neurological diseases and syndromes are presented in an accessible form. Short modern treatment schemes are presented taking into consideration the results of evidence-based medicine. The manual widely uses tables, diagrams and figures for a better perception of the material.
The book will teach the students (and remind the physicians) how to understand, recognize and treat disorders of the brain, spinal cord and nerves.
The modern manual is intended for medical students of higher medical schools, universities, interns, neurologists, family physicians and other professionals interested in the problems of neurology.
Recommended by the decision of the Kyiv Medical University Academic Council
(protocol № 4 of December 01, 2020)
Headache .................................................................................................................. 4
Peripheral nervous system diseases (PNSD) ................................................. 19
Demielinating diseases of the nervous system ...........................................46
Neurological aspects of craniocerebral trauma .......................................... 67
Spinal cord trauma ................................................................................................. 81
Paroxysmal states in neurology ........................................................................ 87
Neurological syndromes in somatic diseases .............................................. 105
Infectious diseases of the nervous system .................................................... 127
Vascular diseases of the brain and spinal cord ............................................ 160