Опис книги
The textbook is aimed to teach students the principles of the Latin grammar and medical terminology (anatomo-histological, pharmaceutical and clinical) in accordance with the demands of the European Credit Transfer System. The changes introduced into the latest issues of the International Anatomical, Histological and Chemical Nomenclatures are included in the textbook. 31 units constitute the foundation of the textbook supplemented with tables of the basic suffixes, prefixes, combining forms and anatomical terms, Latin-English and English-Latin glossaries, exercises, prescriptions, etc. There is also given information on ancient medicine.
The development of medicine as a separate science and particularly the final dissociation of the medical terminology resulted in the strengthening of its ties with other sciences. Thus the Latin language is an effectual means of broadening the outlook of a future doctor. The Latin aphorisms and quotations that supplement the textbook will assist in developing the logical and rational understanding of the peculiarities of the Latin grammar and will provide students with ample opportunity to estimate at true worth the uniqueness and wisdom of the ancient world.
The textbook is designed both for classroom use and for self-study training. The authors hope that the textbook will arouse interest in further studying of the medical language by giving students and teachers of higher education establishments — medical universities, institutes and academies the essential language tools to understanding the meaning and proper use of anatomical, histological, pharmaceutical and clinical terms.
Зміст книги
Unit 1. The Latin alphabet. The pronunciation of vowels, diphthongs and consonants
Unit 2. The stress. The length and brevity of a syllable
Unit 3. The notion of the scientific term. The structure of anatomical and histological terms. The grammatical categories of nouns. The non-agreed modifier and the ways of its translation
Unit 4. The grammatical categories of the adjective. The endings of genders. The division into groups. The agreed modifier
Unit 5. The morphological structure of binomial and polynomial anatomical terms with different modifiers
Unit 6. The 1st noun declension (Declinatio prima)
Unit 7. The 2nd noun declension (Declinatio secunda)
Unit 8. The adjectives of the 1st and 2nd declension
Unit 9. The 3rd declension nouns (Declinatio tertia)
Unit 10. The masculine nouns of the 3rd declension
Unit 11. The 3rd declension of nouns. The feminine gender of nouns
Unit 12. The 3rd declension nouns. The neutral gender of nouns
Unit 13. The peculiarities of the 3rd declension nouns
Unit 14. The adjectives of the 3rd declension (Adjectiva declinationis III). The Present Participle Active (Participium praesentis activi)
Unit 15. The degrees of comparison of adjectives (Gradus comparationis adjectivorum)
Unit 16. The 4th and 5th declension of nouns (Declinationes quarta et quinta)
Unit 17. The verb. The basic forms of the verb. The Imperative Mood. The Present Indicative Active and Passive. The Present Subjunctive Active and Passive. The verb sum, esse. The verb fio, fieri
Unit 18. The Latin chemical nomenclature. The names of chemical elements, acids, oxides, salts, ethers
Unit 19. The word-forming elements indicating chemical composition of medications. The word-forming elements indicating pharmacological groups of medications. The word forming elements indicating pharmacological effects of medical substances. Herb names in the Crude Drug Nomenclature
Unit 20. The prescription. The prescription structure. The Latin part of the prescription
Unit 21. The liquid medicinal forms (Formae medicamentorum liquidae)
Unit 22. The soft medicinal forms (Formae medicamentorum molles)
Unit 23. The solid medicinal forms (Formae medicamentorum durae)
Unit 24. The introduction to clinical terminology. The Greek and Latin doublets of the I-II declension nouns. The endings as word-forming elements of the 1st declension
Unit 25. The Greek and Latin doublets of the adjectives of the 1st group. The Past Participle Passive used in clinical terminology
Unit 26. The Greek and Latin doublets of nouns (III declension, masculine and feminine genders)
Unit 27. The Greek and Latin doublets of nouns (III declension, neutral gender). The word-building elements of the III declension
Unit 28. The Greek and Latin doublets of the III declension adjectives. The Present Participle Active used in medical terminology. Word-building by means of suffixes
Unit 29. The Greek and Latin doublets of the IV—V declension nouns
Unit 30. The Latin and Greek prefixes. The numerals and adverbs used as prefixes
Unit 31. The translation of diagnoses
Appendix. Patterns of examination questions for final and content-oriented graded tests
Module 1
Module 2
Greek and Latin prefixes, roots and suffixes used in medical terminology
English-Latin glossary
Latin-English glossary