Internal medicine=Внутрішня медицина: у 2 кн. — Кн. 1: Diseases of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory System=Захворювання серцево-судинної та дихальної систем: Підручник для студ. мед. ЗВО, лікарів-інтернів, курсантів. Рекомендовано МОЗ, Рекомендовано вченою радою ІФНМУ.
ISBN: 978-617-505-736-0
Автор: Н.М. Середюк, І.П. Вакалюк, Р.І. Яцишин та ін.
Рік: 2019
Мова: англійська
Сторінок: 664
Обкладинка: тверда
Ціна: 1694 грн.

Опис книги 

This textbook describes modern data on epidemiology, the concept of etiology and pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of diseases of internal organs.
This book combining European experience with current management and healthcare recommendations, adapted to the credit-module system and the principles of evidence-based medicine, is a modern highly informative, professionally oriented publication.
For students, interns, residents, doctor-cadets of higher medical education establishments, physicians, specialists of secondary and tertiary medical care.

Зміст книги 

List of Common Abbreviations


Chapter I. Diseases of Cardiovascular System


Characteristics of Hyperlipidemia Types and Possible Ways of Their Correction

Stable Coronary Artery Disease

Examples of Diagnosis

Pharmaceutical Treatment of Patients with Stable Angina

Myocardial Revascularization of SCAD Patients

Acute Coronary Syndromes

Unstable Angina

Acute Q-Wave Myocardial Infarction

Complications of Myocardial Infarction and Their Treatment

Arterial Hypertension. Hypertensive Disease

Characteristic of the First Line Hypotensive Drugs

Secondary Hypertension

Hypertensive Crisis

Somatoform Autonomic Dysfunction

Clinical Forms

Infective Endocarditis





Examples of Diagnosis Formulation

    Atrial Fibrillation / Atrial Flutter

Congenital Heart Defects

Acquired Heart Defects

Heart Failure

Tests for self-control


Chapter II. Diseases of the Respiratory System


Clinical Characteristics of Different Types (Variants) of Pneumonia

Treatment of Pneumonias

Pleurisy. Empyema (Purulent Pleurisy, Pyothorax)

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Risk Factors (by Graeme, P.Currie, 2011)

Stages of COPD

Differential Diagnosis

Pharmacological Therapy

Bronchial Asthma

Special Consideretions

Tests for Diagnosis and Monitoring

Treatment of Asthma

Home Management of Asthma Exacerbations

Controller Asthma Medications


Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

Chronic Cor Pulmonale

Pulmonary Hypertension

Tests for Self-Control

