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The study guide provides material for second-/third-year students of higher medical education establishments of the 3rd—4th levels of accreditation that will help students master the knowledge and skills of medium-level medical personnel. The subject matter of the guide corresponds to the curriculum of the medical faculties that train general practitioners, pediatricians, and family physicians. The material on practical skills is given in the form of detailed step-by-step description of manipulation and procedure techniques. At the end of every chapter you will find questions, tests, and cases intended to help students master the theoretical material and practical skills, and also check the level of the acquired knowledge.
For students of higher medical education establishments, who study the curriculum modules Child Care (2nd year) and Nursing (3rd year).
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Chapter 1. The Importance of Pediatric Nursing. The Main Establishments and Principles of Medical Child Care
1.1. The Main Principles of Nursing. Medical Care of Sick Children
1.2. The Structure and Functions of Children’s Polyclinic and Hospital
1.3. Health Care System Reformation in Ukraine at the Modern Stage
1.4. Deontology Principles in the Work of Nurses of Children’s Medical Establishments
1.5. The Principle of Professional Subordination in the System Doctor—Nurse—Assistant Nurse
Chapter 2. The Main Duties and Professional Activity of Mediumlevel and Junior Medical Staff at the Pediatric Department
2.1. Functions of the Duty Nurse at the Pediatric Department
2.2. Organization of Duty Nurse Work
2.3. Documents Filled in by the Station Nurse and the Main Rules of Their Application
2.4. Organization of Procedure Room Nurse Work
2.5. Functional Duties of the Assistant Nurse at the Pediatric Department
Chapter 3. The Main Professional Duties of Mediumlevel and Junior Medical Staff at Pediatric Polyclinics
3.1. Visiting Nurse Duties
3.2. Visiting Nurse Documents
3.3. Functional Duties of the Junior Nurse of Pediatric Polyclinic
Chapter 4. Admission Department of Children’s Hospital
4.1. Admission Department Structure
4.2. Admission Department Functions
4.3. Organization of Work and Documentation of the Admission Department
4.4. Patient Sanitization
4.5. Transportation of Sick Children
Chapter 5. Treatmentprotective, Sanitary, and Antiepidemic Regimens at Children’s Hospital
5.1. TreatmentProtective Regimen
5.2. Sanitary and AntiEpidemic Regimens
5.3. Personal Hygiene of Sick Children
5.4. The Rules of Medical Staff Employment (Mandatory Prophylactic Medical Examinations)
5.5. Personal Hygiene of Medical Staff
5.6. Disinfection: Types, Methods, and Measures
5.7. Disinfection of Care Items in the Pediatric Department
5.8. Organization of Preventive Disinfection and Epidemic Focus Disinfection
Chapter 6. Provision of Infectious and Chemical Safety in Medical Staff Work
Chapter 7. Rules for Drug Storage and Inventory
Chapter 8. Organization of Rational Nutrition of Children
8.1. Organization of Feeding of Infants and Young Children
8.2. Feeding of Underweight Newborns
Chapter 9. Primary Care of Newborns and Care of Infants of the First Year of Life
9.1. Primary Care of Newborns in the Delivery Room
9.2. Umbilical Cord and Umbilical Wound Care
9.3. Morning Care of Newborns and Infants
9.4. Washing Rules
9.5. Hygienic Bathing of Infants of the First Year of Life
9.6. Nail Care
Chapter 10. Anthropometric Measurement Technique in Children of Different Ages. Methods of Physical Development Evaluation
10.1. Regularities of Children’s Anthropometric Indices Increase
10.2. Methods of Children’s Physical Development Evaluation
Chapter 11. Baths and Compresses (Types, Effects, Techniques)
Chapter 12. Care of Feverish Children. Body Temperature Measurement
12.1. Types of Fever
12.2. Peculiarities of Care of Children with Fever
Chapter 13. Evaluation of the Main Indices of Hemodynamics and Respiration
Chapter 14. Medical Manipulation Techniques
14.1. Gastric Lavage
14.2. Intestinal Gas Removal
14.3. Types of Enemas. Enema Administration Rules
14.4. Urinary Bladder Catheterization
14.5. Umbilical Vein Catheterization
14.6. ECG Registration
Chapter 15. Methods of Drug Administration
15.1. Enteral Drug Administration
15.2. Parenteral Drug Administration
15.3. Transdermal Drug Administration
15.4. Transmucosal Drug Administration
15.5. Moist Oxygen Use