The content of the textbook covers the new educational programme of surgery. The textbook devotes to preparing to the 4-th module and includes the themes; general questions of surgical aid in Ukraine, systemic surgical pathology, pathology of the digestive, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The structure of material is presented with attention on the basic part, terminology, signs, methods of diagnosis, tactics, methods of conservative and surgical treatment, basic and additional literature, tests for initial and final level of knowledge, tasks and materials for the self-study of the students for each lesson. In the authors’ opinion, such structure of the textbook is beneficial for mastering the subject.
For the foreign students of 6-th course of medical schools of III-IV accreditation level.
Рекомендовано ЦМК з вищої медичної освіти МОЗ України як навчальний посібник для англомовних студентів вищих медичних навчальних закладів IV рівня акредитації ( протокол № 2 від 26.10.2011 р. засідання науково-методичної Комісії з медицини Міністерства освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України).
Preface 5
Thematic plan of practical studies 6
Obligatory minimum list of practical skills 8
Study guide №1. History and organization of surgical aid in Ukraine. Organization of the ambulatory surgical aid, the work of the reception room of the surgical hospital and operating block 9
Study guide №2. New technologies in surgery 37
Study guide №3. Transplantology. State of problem of heart, lungs, liver, kidney, pancreas and intestine transplantation. Reconstruction of nerves. Plastic and reconstructive surgery 57
Study guide №4. Pathogenesis and significance in different diseases and traumas. Surgical sepsis, septic shock. Antibacterial therapy of surgical infection. Surgical aspects of AIDS 88
Study guide №5. Suppurative diseases of skin and soft tissues. Methods of conservative and surgical treatment 113
Study guide №6. Critical conditions in surgical cliniс 127
Study guide №7. Modern state of problem of diagnosis and treatment of benign diseases of thyroid gland 150
Study guide №8. Abdominal pain, estimation of features of pain syndrome at differential diagnostics of abdominal viscus diseases. Syndromes of dysphagia, vomiting and violation of defecation 165
Study guide №9. Syndromes of intestinal dysphagia and violations of defecation, acute intestinal obstruction, inflammatory diseases of colon 186
Study guide №10. Syndrome of acute abdomen. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis and medical tactics 209
Study guide №11. Acute appendicitis, as the most frequent reason of syndrome of acute abdomen 231
Study guide №12. Local and widespread inflammatory diseases of abdominal cavity organs and peritoneum. Primary, secondary and tertiary peritonitis. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment 252
Study guide №13. Mechanical jaundice. Classification, pathogenesis, differential diagnosis, tactics and treatment. Acute hepatic insufficiency in case of surgical diseases, methods of treatment and prophylaxis 277
Study guide №14. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome in acute pancreatitis. Сontroversies in treatment of acute pancreatitis 303
Study guide №15. Bleeding from a digestive tract 313
Study guide №16. Abdominal trauma. Classification, manifestation of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space organs lesions. Instrumental methods of diagnosis 334
Study guide №17. Specific features of the acute abdominal viscus diseases in the pregnant. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Peculiarities of examination. Manifestation of acute surgical diseases of organs of abdominal cavity in elderly patients and children 360
Study guide №18. Surgical complications in patients with infectious diseases. Differential diagnosis of acute surgical and infectious diseases 380
Study guide №19. Portal hypertension. Clinical picture, diagnosis, tactics of conservative and surgical treatment 411
Study guide №20. Chest pain syndromes, respiratory and cardiac insufficiency in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of chest diseases. Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of cardio-vascular and respiratory systems 437
Study guide №21. Surgical diseases of lungs and pleura. Differential diagnosis between nonspecific inflammatory neoplasms and tuberculosis 450
Study guide №22. Diagnostic programme in case of the cardiac injuries. Triad of symptoms of cardiac injuries, tactics of surgical treatment 470
Study guide №23. Traumatic damages of the thorax.Tactics of surgical treatment 483
tudy guide №24. Diseases that lead to the syndrome of limb ischemia. Conservative and surgical treatment of limb arterial occlusion 502
Study guide №25. Diseases of veins. The vena cava superior syndrome, syndrome. Clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of lymphostasis 520
Study guide №26.Thromboses and embolisms of vessels, causes of development, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention 557
Study guide №27.Aortic arch syndrome 586