Clinical Immunology and Allergology=Клінічна імунологія та алергологія . — 3-тє вид. Затверджено Міністерством освіти і науки України як підручник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів (лист № 1/11-17606 від 18.11.2013 р.).
ISBN: 978-966-382-795-7
Автор: Бажора Ю.І.
Рік: 2020
Мова: англійська
Сторінок: 272
Обкладинка: тверда
Ціна: 275 грн.

In the textbook the basic themes on clinical immunology and allergology are presented in accordance with the standard Program approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Considering a clinical orientation of the Program, problems of diagnostics, features of pathogenesis and disease courses, etc. are stated generally in each chapter. To make it easier to master material, the textbook contains many illustrations, tests and control questions.
The textbook is intended for English-speaking students and lecturers of higher educational medical institutions of III–IV accreditation levels.

Preface . .. 7
Chapter I. Structure and principles of functioning of the immune system . . 9
1.1. Structure of the immune system . . . 9
1.2. Acquired and congenital immunity . . . 11
1.3. Major histocompatibility complex . . . 19
1.4. Cellular immunity . . . . 21
1.5. Humoral immunity . . .. 34
1.6. Theoretical questions, practical skills and tests for practice and final control . . . . 45
Chapter II. Methods of immunological investigation. The concept of immunogram. Basic rules
for estimation of the immune status . . 49
2.1. Immunologic anamnesis . . . . 49
2.2. Clinical and instrumental methods of estimation of the immune system condition . . . 51
2.3. Syndromes of immune system dysfunction . . . 52
2.4. Laboratory methods of estimation of the immune system . . 53
2.5. Immunogram: indications for administration and interpretation of results . . 59
2.6. Theoretical questions, practical skills and tests for practice and final control . .. 61
Chapter III. Immunity and infectious process. AIDS/HIV . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.1. Characteristics of the course and stages of the infectious process pathogenesis . . . 65
3.2. Antibacterial immunity . . . 66
3.3. Antiviral immunity and protection against multicellular parasites . . . 69
3.4. AIDS/HIV . . . 72
3.5. Criteria of the laboratory estimation of the course of an infectious inflammatory process . . . 76
3.6. Theoretical questions, practical skills and tests
for practical and final control . . 82
Chapter IV. Primary immunodeficiency . 86
4.1. Definition of immunodeficiency . . . 86
4.2. Classification of primary immunodeficiencies . . 86
4.3. Clinical manifestations in the immunodeficient states . . . 91
4.4. Principles of treatment of primary immunodeficiencies . . 93
4.5. Diagnostics and treatment of some primary immunodeficiencies . . . 93
4.6. Theoretical questions, practical skills and self-cotrol tests for practice and final control . . . 99
Chapter V. Acquired (secondary) immunodeficiency . 104
5.1. Definition of the acquired (secondary) immunodeficiency . 104
5.2. Criteria of diagnostics of secondary immunodeficiency conditions . . . 105
5.3. Basic principles of immunotropic therapy prescription. Immunorehabilitation and immunoprophylaxis . . 107
5.4. Systematization of immunotropic therapy and groups of immunotropic preparations in Ukraine . . . 109
5.5. General recommendations for immunotropic therapy prescription . . . 111
5.6. Theoretical questions, practical skills and self-cotrol tests for practice and final control . .114
Chapter VI. Fundamentals of transplantation immunity . 118
6.1. The concept of transplantation immunity . .118
6.2. Types of transplants (grafts) . . . 118
6.3. Forms and mechanisms of the transplant rejection . .119
6.4. Pre-transplantation monitoring . . . . 122
6.5. Immunosuppressive therapy and posttransplantation monitoring . . 125
6.6. Theoretical questions, practical skills and tests for practice and final control . .127
Chapter VII. Reproductive immunology . . . 131
7.1. Immune interrelations in the system “father – mother – fetus” . 131
7.2. Miscarriage (noncarrying of pregnancy) . 133
7.3. Immunodependent forms of infertility in marriage .37
7.4. Immune aspects of contraception . . 140
7.5. Diagnostics of reproduction immunopathology .141
7.6. Theoretical questions, practical skills and tests for practice and final control . . 142
Chapter VIII. Antineoplastic іmmunіty . . 147
8.1. Classification of oncogenes. Causes of tumors . .147
8.2. Antineoplastic protection . .48
8.3. Factors of immune resistance of tumor cells . .151
8.4. Antigens of superficial structures of tumor cells . . 153
8.5. Immunodiagnostics and immunotherapy of tumors . 154
8.6. Theoretical questions, practical skills and tests for practice and final control . .165
Chapter IX. Autoimmune diseases . 168
9.1. The concept of autoimmunity reaction and autoimmune disease . 168
9.2. Etiology a