Basics of Dentistry=Основи стоматології. Рекомендовано Міністерством охорони здоров’я України як підручник для студентів вищих медичних навчальних закладів III—IV рівнів акредитації.
ISBN: 978-966-382-419-2
Автор: Маланчук Владислав Олександрович, Хоменко Лариса Олександрівна, Неспрядько Валерій Петрович та ін.
Рік: 2018
Мова: англійська
Сторінок: 616
Обкладинка: тверда
Ціна: 519 грн.

In work of General Practitioner / Doctor of Family Medicine occur situations when it is necessary to get advice of a professional Dentist and set diagnosis and provide emergency dental care immediately, particularly in such diseases as acute pulpitis, periodontitis, abscesses, phlegmon of maxillofacial area, and in cases of maxillofacial trauma.
The material presented in the textbook corresponds to the new Program “Basics of Dentistry” and “Educational-Qualification Characteristic of Specialist”. Diseases and their treatment presented in this textbook are described at the level sufficient not only for students but also for beginning General Practitioners / Doctors of Family Medicine.
The textbook is intended for students of Medical, Medical Care, Pediatric and Pharmaceutical Departments of higher medical institutions with IV th level of accreditation.
У роботі лікаря загальної практики / сімейної медицини трапляються ситуації, коли він не може скористатися консультацією спеціаліста-стоматолога і змушений самостійно встановлювати діагноз та надавати екстрену стоматологічну допомогу, зокрема при таких захворюваннях, як гострий пульпіт, періодонтит, абсцеси, флегмона щелепно-лицевої ділянки, а також у разі травматичного ушкодження обличчя і щелеп.
Матеріал, викладений у підручнику, відповідає новій програмі “Основи стоматології” та “Освітньо-кваліфікаційній характеристиці спеціаліста”. Захворювання та їх лікування описано в обсязі, достатньому для того, щоб цим підручником міг скористатися не лише студент, а й лікар-початківець загальної практики / сімейної медицини.
Для студентів медичних, медико-профілактичних, педіатричних та фармацевтичних факультетів вищих медичних навчальних закладів III–IV рівнів акредитації.

Part I
Pediatric dentistry and prevention of dental diseases......................8
Chapter 1
Morphological and functional features of the dental system in children ....9
Development of deciduous and permanent teeth. Factors that influence on formation and mineralization of teeth...9
Chapter 2
Prevention of dental diseases..................................................................................16
Chapter 3
Basic dental disease in children..............................................................................25
Caries of the deciduous and permanent teeth in children..............................................25
Pulpitis of the deciduous and permanent teeth in children ..........................................29
Periodontitis of deciduous and permanent teeth in children ........................................32
Periodontal diseases in children ...........................................35
Oral mucosal disease in children.............................................40
Part II
Diseases of periodontium and oral mucosa...........................................46
Chapter 4
Conservative dentistry, its divisions, purposes and tasks.............................47
Chapter 5
Noncarious lesions, which appear after the eruption of teeth ....................51
Chapter 6
Dental caries .................................................................57
Complication of the caries: pulpitis and periodontitis. ................................................77
Chapter 7
Diseases of periodontal tissues .............................................................................91
Inflammatory and inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of periodontium. ......................91
Traumatic lesions of oral mucosa. Reasons. Clinic. Diagnostics. First aid................107
Infectious diseases of oral mucosa: ulcerous stomatitis, candidiasis of oral mucosa, viral lesions......... 110
Manifestations of specific infection (syphilis, tuberculosis) on oral mucosa.............123
Precancerous diseases of oral mucosa and lips. Risk factors of development of oncologic diseases....131
Allergic lesions of oral mucosa .............135
Changes in the oral mucosa at diseases of internal organs and systems.....................145
Part III
Oral and maxillofacial surgery.......................................................................154
Chapter 8
Anatomical and functional peculiarities of the maxillofacial area and neck.....................................155
Neuroanatomy of the maxillofacial area .....................................................................155
Anatomy and function of the salivary glands.............................................................161
Anatomy of the temporomandibular joint...................................................................165
Jaw movements ..........................168
Chapter 9
Examination and methods of diagnostics in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Anaesthesia in oral surgery ...................................................................169
Examination. Extra-oral examination..........................................................................169
Intra-oral examination .............................................172
Special investigations..........................................175
Chapter 10
Anaesthesia in oral surgery ................................................185
The general anaesthesia......................................185
Local anaesthesia............................................192
Local and general complications.....................................196
Chapter 11
Exodontia .........................................................208
Indications and contraindications for teeth extraction ...............................................208
Instruments for teeth extraction, preparation of patient patient|and surgeon preparation ..210
Tooth extraction technique .................... 211
Complications of tooth extraction ....................................................219
Summary ....................................231
Chapter 12
Inflammatory processes of maxillofacial area and neck..............................232
Hypodermic granuloma of the face .............................................................................239
Periostitis of the jaw..............................241
Osteomyelitis of the jaws.........................247
Abscesses and phlegmons of the maxillofacial region...............................................262
Furuncle and carbuncle .......................266
Erysipelas ............................................268
The maxillary sinusitis...........................269
Lymphadenites of maxillofacial area and a neck ........................................................282
Specific inflammatory processes......................................................287
Chapter 13
Benign tumors and tumor-like lesions of the maxillofacial area and neck...........305
Benign tumors and tumor-like lesions of the soft tissues...........................................305
Cysts of the soft tissues..................................324
Tumors and tumor-like lesions of salivary glands.....................................................329
Cysts of the jaws..................................348
Benign odontogenic tumors and tumor-like lesions of the jaws................................364
Tumours and dysplasias of cementum ........................................................................377
Benign non-odontogenic tumours of the jaws............................................................380
Tumor-like lessions of the jaws..........................................388
Chapter 14
Malignant tumors of the maxillofacial area and neck....................................398
Malignant tumors of the jaws........... 411
Malignant odontogenic tumors..............................................................419
Surgical management of the jaw cancer......................................................................421
Chapter 15
Maxillofacial trauma.....................................431
General characteristics, clinical peculiarities, diagnostics and treatment of soft tissue injuries...............431
Principles of management .....................433
Mandibular fractures. Etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment.
Complications of the mandibular fractures...........436
Midfacial fractures. Etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment.
Complications of midfacial fractures. Management of complex craniofacial injuries and polytrauma .....452
Fractures of the zygomatic complex. Classification, etiology, pathogenesis,diagnostics and treatment. Complications of the zygomatic fractures........................471
Regeneration of the bone tissue bone tissue................................................................479
Chapter 16
Basics of craniomaxillofacial and plastic surgery...........................................486
Surgical treatment of deformations of maxilla and mandibule ..................................486
Facial reconstructive surgery. Skin grafts and flaps. Principles and techniques for local plastics................................530
Esthetic surgery of the face ................................547
Microsurgery of the maxilla-facial area ......................................................................550
Part IV
Prosthetic dentistry and orthodontics ....................................................560
Chapter 17
The aims and tasks of prosthetic dentistry and orthodontics ..................561
Morphology of the masticatory apparatus, concept of its components functional unity............569
Bite. Physiological and pathological kinds of bites ....................................................574
Orthodontic appliances which are used for treatment of dental rows abnormalities –
peculiarities of design, biomechanics, age indications, terms of treatment ................579
Chapter 18
Etiology of tooth surface loss and tooth loss. Comlications after tooth loss. Characteristics of kinds of defects of dental rows...........580
General characteristics of fixed and removable dentures.
Materials and technology of fabrication......................................................................583
Indications for treatment of defects of crown part of the tooth with inlays, crowns, post-crowns.......585
Indications for treatment of defects of dental rows with bridge dentures...................588
Indications for treatment of dental row defects with removable partial dentures.
Methods of retention .........................591
Chapter 19
Complete dentures. Factors which provide retention.............................597
Replacement of defects of dental rows in children.
Peculiarities of pediatric dentures design....................................................................598
Chapter 20
Dental implantology .......................600
Chapter 21
Dentomaxillofacial orthopedy.........................................605